Monday, December 1, 2014

My Experiments With Sustainability

And so it begins.
But why does it?
Well, for starters I feel this need to make sure that I am doing my bit.

I could wax on and on about always having wanted to work in development and my journalism career and my work with Greenpeace.
But the truth is that the decision to switch to sustainable living, one step at a time is largely a selfish one.
It is because of this face. 

This is my daughter, in her newborn glory almost three years ago.
As a mom, the phrase “For future generations”, actually resonates with me, now.
I can't close my eyes to the extreme selfishness of unsustainable living.
As every self-respecting parent, grandparent, uncle or aunt, we strive to make the best choices for the children in our, or our dear ones' lives.
And choosing to live a sustainable lifestyle is to me, one of the best choices I have made in a long time.
(Including the choice to eat that chocolate cupcake on Sunday!)

Now, on to why this blog.

The blog is to keep me accountable. 
I am no expert, but just someone who chooses to advocate a sustainable way of living. Basically, I am just a writer and a mother who wants to use what she has, to clean up the planet a bit.
I know that it is not going to be easy and that there will be many stumbling blocks on the way.
But if my journey serves as inspiration for even one person to stand up and join me, I will consider it a success.

As Michelle Obama said on one of my favourite shows (Parks and Recreation), “Change happens one person at a time.

I know, there is lot to be done. 
And once we start reading about how much there is to do, it can get overwhelming. 
This is when most people just want to shut their eyes, pretend that there is no giant climate change elephant in the room and step away. 
But even one step forward counts.

You know what they say about the fluttering of a butterfly's wings causing a chain reaction.
Be that flutter.
Stir things up.
We can do this, but only if we all pitch in.

Now, it's all well and good to get all rhetorical and wax poetic about this, but the question which most of you have is 'what can I do?' 
And this is where I and my humble blog will attempt to give you the answers.

I will post tips and techniques on how you can alter your lifestyle to make it planet friendly. I hope to review products that work without leaving harmful chemicals behind. And to give you ideas on homemade options for many a cosmetic/cleaning product.
I hope to share news of what some communities have done to make their lives greener and how as parents we can get kids to start with energy efficiency, early on.
We’ll see how it goes.

The tips can be as simple as turning the faucet off, when you brush. 
Not leaving the water running might be a no-brainer to many of you, but you would be surprised at how much water is wasted in precisely that manner.
Sometimes we all need reminders to do the right thing.
Sometimes we need other people to experiment with seemingly odd ideas before we try them out ourselves.
And sometimes we need resources and inspiration.
This is what, 'My experiments with sustainability is all about'.

Ambitious much?
But worth it, if it rubs off.

Until next time, keep it green, y'all. 

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